Thursday, November 25, 2021

Fun Afternoon of Kilikiti

 Hello, today we played Kilikiti a sport with similar rules to Cricket orginating in Samoa. Kiliti is for all ages and can have from 10-20 players, it's a family friendly game for everyone to play. The main rules are you must hold the kilikiti bat with both hands at all times, no stepping off the pitch and if you aren't recieving the ball your kilikiti bat must be on your shoulder. 

Overall we all enjoyed the game and we didn't want to stop, hopefully you can try the game one time and see if you like it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Wear your Mask!

 Hello, today was my first day back at school since the Prime Minister announced us moving into Level 4 Lockdown. I was nervous to come back but I did, I made a poster informing people to wear their mask when they come to School. I really like this poster it explains what to do and what it does compared to if you didn't have a mask. Maybe next time I will try design something like this instead of using a template. Hopefully you like this it didn't take too long I used a website called Canvas, they give you templates to use.

It's a simple clear message to Students and Teachers to wear a mask.

Blog you later.